Berkley Vanish Fluoro (250 yd)



Fluorocarbon technology has now advanced past the stiff, hard leader to a soft, manageable, easy-casting fishing line. Berkley Vanish refracts light exactly like water does! THE EASY CASTING FLUOROCARBONRemains clear under water – 100% fluorocarbon refracts light similar to waterSinks under water – more sensitive and a more direct profile from rod tip to lureOptimal Wet Strength – Non-absorbing fluorocarbon maintains strength and abrasion resistance underwaterFlexible – Traditional fluorocarbons are stiff, Vanish is designed to be more flexible

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Clear 250 yd 10 lb, Clear 250 yd 12 lb, Clear 250 yd 14 lb, Clear 250 yd 17 lb, Clear 250 yd 20 lb, Clear 250 yd 4 lb, Clear 250 yd 6 lb, Clear 250 yd 8 lb


