Cordell Wally Diver



The Wally Diver series is Cotton Cordell’s most popular line and an essential trolling bait for walleye anglers everywhere. Its slender profile and tight wiggle produces big bites from walleyes and bass everywhere. The Wally Diver’s fame began on the Great Lakes, where it’s been one of the top walleye trolling bait for many years. FEATURES Proven walleye catching action Equally effective cast or trolled Tournament-caliber performance

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Assortment 3pk, Asteroid, Chart/Red Eye, Chartreuse, Chrome/Black Back, Chrome/Blue Back, Chrome/Red Eye, Dr Death, Fire Tiger, Fire Tiger/GL, Fl Red/Black, Gold Perch, Gold/Black, Got A Worm, Perch, Purple Demon, Purple Rain, Purple Salamander, Special Perch, Trick Or Treat, Walleye Candy, White/Red Head, Wonder Bread, Yellow Perch


